San Francisco during the month of August, and it is requested that those interested write direct to us 693 Mission St., Rm. 308, San Francisco 5 CD.

"I should like an application blank for associate membership in the society, and I hope when sending my dues for that, that I will be able to add a small contribution for your book fund. I think you are engaged in a commendable effort toward social acceptance of the homophile, and though a half century of experience leaves me a bit pessimistic about seeing its success within my lifetime, I am glad to add my own bit on the right side of the scales.

"As you know, my book, SEK VARIANT WOMEN IN LITERATURE, includes a bibliography of over 300 items of creative literature, and the text makes clear which are more than superficial treatments and which are sympathetic. I hope you will feel free to use my compilation in your running bibliography of Lesbiana. As my study stopped with June, 1954, I now know of a good many subsequent titles which I will be glad to list if others of your membership have not already done so. (I spent two years trying for commercial or university press publication, and ended by resorting to a subsidy publisher, who took another year to get the book out measure of the difficulties we all encounter in making ourselves heard.)"


Jeannette H. Foster Kansas City, Kan.

By all means send us any subsequent titles you may be aware of for Lesbianal We welcome any additions to this column. New readers will want to know that Miss Foster's book was reviewed in the May, 1957, issue of THE LADDER by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Copies of this issue are still available. Single